CAPTain Standard
CAPTain Analysis is a test based on the disciplines of work psychology and scientific research, which effectively predicts how an individual will react and behave in certain workplace situations, as well as determining the extent to which the test subject’s personal competencies meet the expectations of each job.
What is included in the CAPTain Standard report?
The report consists of a descriptive, a combinational and a graphical part, which fully and objectively characterizes the subject along the 38 competencies of the CAPTain competency model in relation to topics important for the job, such as:
- work attitude
- work style
- in case of a leader then leadership competencies, in case of an employee leader potential and the roles in teamwork
- decisiveness
- group attitude and cooperativeness
- change management
- communication skills and conflict management
- developmental opportunities and potentials
- etc.
The report consists of three parts:
The descriptive part of the report details the results of the test in a way that can be interpreted by everyone, and also displays the results of each competency on graphs by topic.
The package includes two additional reports , which requires professional assisstance for the interpretation.
The graphical part of the report summerizes the results on one page. It presents the differencies between the achieved results and self-knowledge visually for each competency. Complemented with CAPTain profiles, the fit of the test filler to the job expectations (also in percentage form) can be displayed and measured.
The third element of the package is the combinational report, which lists the potential opportunities and risks inherent in a person based on different combinations of factors.

Available versions of the report:
- leader (team leader, mid leader, top leader, sales manager, project manage, etc.)
- (B2B sales, consultative sales, consultation, etc.)
- employee (administration, programming, financial analyst, HR, auditor, partner services, etc.)
- graduate
any job expectations system specified by the client.