CAPTain Group analysis
for organizational development or group competency analysis

CAPTain tests and questionnaires can also be used effectively to measure larger groups (teams, management levels or the whole organization), thus supporting different
- organizational development projects
- leadership development programs
- talent programs
- measurements of training demand and training effectiveness
- team coaching (at the beginning of the development process and at the end)
- organizational change management programs
- projects that aim for more accurate job descriptions
- etc.
What is included in the CAPTain Group Analysis reports?
Our partners receive reliable and statistically supported feedback and suggestion on the competencies / needs of the surveyed group, company, to which special attention should be paid and on which even a development program can be built.
The following tests, questionnaires can be used for group assessment : CAPTain Competency Test, CAPTain Motivation Analysis, CAPTain Satisfaction Measurment.
The reports of the statistical analyses are always tailored to the need of the client and the projects. The applied tests could contain
- summary about the group’s strengths end developmental areas, adjusted to pre-agreed expectations;
- self-knowledge analysis
- and descriptions about outliers
- the comparison of different subgroups ( classes, management levels)
- a list of correspondences and changes
- presentation of leadership and/or organizational culture characteristics
- realistic developmental goals.
Some of the reports are descriptive, others contain graphs and charts, thus making it more visually understandable as well.